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Neutral Red Dye, 5 Grams

Price$ 78.25
  • SKU: N22400-5.0
  • Pack Size: 5 G
Neutral Red Dye, 5 Grams



C15H16N4 • HCl


Room Temperature

Biological dye used to stain nuclei red and in testing viability of cells to incorporate and bind Neutral Red.

Dye Content: >90%

0.1 lbs

3.38 x 4.63 x 3.38

Research or further manufacturing use only, not for food or drug use.
  • Appearance: Greenish Crystal Powder
  • Dye Content: ≥ 90.0 %
  • Loss on Drying: ≤ 8.0 %
  • Solubility (0.01%, Water): Pass
  • Specific absorption (A1%, 1cm in 50% EtOH + 2ml Acetic Acid)
    : Report

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